Today we are going to talk about COLOR!
The much
discussed color of Presa Canário!
According to the International Cinófilas Entities, FCI and UKC, Presa Canário can be fawn, with all its variations, up to the sand tone. Also, it can have a dark brown hue, reaching red and, of course, brindle.
But, is
there black or white? How do international dog breeds, which always seek to
ensure the purity of the breeds treat these two colors?
When we
talk about the white color, both have the same understanding: Presa Canário all
white is not accepted as a breed standard. However, some white spots are
accepted, in specific places, but they cannot cover more than 20% of the dog.
So, if you're going to choose a Presa Canário, pay attention – there are no
white or highly spotted, Presa Canário!
And, the
much discussed Black color! Is there Black Presa Canário? It depends. The black
color is a reason for divergence between the two entities in terms of COLOR.
According to the UKC, the color black is accepted as the breed standard.
However, the FCI does not include the solid black Presa Canário as a standard
color, as there has historically been no record of Black Presa Canário.
kennel is registered and is governed by the purebred standards defined by
CBKC/FCI, therefore, in our lineage there is no black color.
below what each Official Breed Standard defines:
CBKC/FCI Standard:
shades of fawn to sand, from dark brown to light gray or red. All shades of
brindle, even sand. White marks are accepted on the chest, base of the neck or
throat, on the forefeet and toes of the hind paws, but this should be minimal.
The mask is always black, but not above eye level”.
“Any shade of fawn, black and brindle in any combination of those colors. The face should have a black or dark brown mask that does not extend over the eyes, with or without a white spot or spot on the head. Minimal white patches can appear anywhere between the chest and throat, or on the toes. Major Failure: Mask that extends over the eyes. Disqualifications: Absence of dark mask, white spots covering more than 20% of the dog, coat color or pattern different from that described above.”